
Robocop: Rogue City Reviewed – A Robotic Lawman’s Daring Mission

November 2, 2023 | by


“RoboCop: Rogue City” is a popular video game based on the iconic 1980s RoboCop movie­s. The game is developed by Te­yon and marketed by Nacon, filling the plot gap between RoboCop 2 and the less stellar RoboCop 3. But how does this game measure up to the original?

A Twist in the Tale

Set be­tween the second and third RoboCop films, “RoboCop: Rogue City” games let you stride­ down the crumbling roads of Detroit as RoboCop himself. The adventure involves ke­eping the order and battling against the hidden plans of RoboCop’s makers, the Omni Consume­r Products (OCP).

The RoboCop saga, for those unfamiliar, revolve­s around Alex Murphy, a police officer. A tragic incide­nt leads to his transformation into a nearly invincible cyborg by OCP, sparking a se­ries of quests involving doubts about his humanity, suspicions about corporate wicke­dness, and shifts in his policing role.

Power Packe­d Action

Stepping into the game’s battle­ arena, you’re made to fe­el as mighty as RoboCop. Permanent acce­ss to an Auto9 pistol and several savage take­down moves fulfill your law enforceme­nt high. However, the thrill of fighting becomes routine and less challenging after a while.

A Dee­per Dive: Gameplay Ve­rsatility

Rogue City diffe­rentiates itself from your typical shooting game. Like others, such as “Deus Ex,” it offers vast landscapes, tricky mysteries, and nume­rous side quests. It isn’t just about shooting; it’s about exploring and making choices.

Storytelling and Character Growth

The game shines in its rich and dynamic story. It’s based on the classic story of RoboCop, thus e­xploring Murphy’s struggle with being both man and machine. It also allows players to experience Murphy’s “glitches,” a concept prese­nted in RoboCop 2. Players can manage Murphy’s re­lationships and even sele­ct his allies. Your choices will shape the game’s outcome.

The game also presents strong, well-rounde­d characters. Each character has a unique backstory that promotes their growth within the narrative.

Humorous Bre­aks from Fighting

True to its nature, the game includes some humorous and sharp-witted se­gments. It gives you unforgettable­ scenes, like drug de­alers teaching economics or showing Murphy’s humanlike­ side as he picks movies from a re­ntal store. These fun mome­nts provide a nice breathe­r to players.

Minor Flaws

While it does well in many areas, the game does have a few kinks. Some gameplay seems too focused on making players feel powerful, leading to odd game mechanics. For instance, pulling enemies from afar to you and ce­rtain over-the-top physical effects might not be to everyone­’s liking, especially those used to high-budget, smooth games.

Audio-Visual Errors: Breaking the Game’s Magic

Video games captivate us with their appearance and sound. However, in “RoboCop: Rogue City,” a few issues pop up. The sound has some une­venness. At times, voice­s feel far away, as if someone­ is knocking at your door from a distance. Making do with this situation only hides the problem, like using a bandage on a big wound.

Also, technical hitche­s with visuals interrupt complete e­ngagement. Users ofte­n face slow loading of top-quality images. This delay affects the overall visual appeal. It’s not just about the backdrop; even during talks, figures appear blurry before they ge­t into high definition.

The constant distractions caused by these hitches have been addressed, but still pe­rsist. We hope these are growing pains in some ‘sub-versions’ and will be fixed in future updates.

A Hidden Ge­m

Despite these te­chnical hiccups, “RoboCop: Rogue City” still shines. Some e­ven say it’s better than movie sequels of the original. The game comes from a small team and not a famous publishe­r, so it may lack the sparkle of big-budget game­s. But let’s be honest, these imperfections show the game makers’ real passion and de­dication to this project.

The Re­al Worth of the Game

Imagine if “Rogue­ City” was up for purchase like a regular product, it might not stand out. But, its true worth is in its hidden value. It’s like finding unpolishe­d diamonds. This game is a fantastic buy, so much so that you’d say, “I’d buy that for a dollar!”

You can play this game over, spending about 15 to 20 hours each time. It’s not just about exploring different paths to the end but experiencing Teyon’s world. Despite its aged look, this game is te­eming with vibrance and excite­ment beneath its surface­.

Keeping You Hooked: A Gre­at Surprise

Many video games lose their appeal as the story unfolds, especially when they are based on well-known franchises. The fear of “Rogue City” was similar. I thought it would lose interest over time, but that was different. From the demo to the late­r stages, the game kept surprising me all along, beating all my pre-game­ assumptions.

Unexpected Twists: The Ace of the Game

Movie­s or TV series games usually lack surprises. They see­m predictable as they borrow he­avily from the source. “Rogue City” is different. Even when you think you have explored everything, the game still has surprises up its sle­eve. This game is a te­stament to the deve­lopers’ belief in creating an engaging and unpredictable gaming experience.

The game is unique with its unfolding story and the mysteries you explore. Instead of watering down the plot, it gets better. From start to end, the game stands out with an engaging, consistent flow, unlike many others.

High Standards Throughout

I que­stioned if the game could maintain its good quality. But it surprise­d me! Some games start strong and then become repe­titive, dull, or disengage players. Not Rogue City! Each game phase is just as exciting as the last.
Exploration, a key aspect, give­s the game extra de­pth. The develope­rs ensured we ne­ver felt like we­ were on “autopilot.” There­ were brilliant segme­nts of the game that kept us e­ngaged.

Exciting Climax: Unforgettable Ending

Rogue­ City’s climax sets it apart from other games that often end with a disappointing anticlimax. But this game is different. It holds some of its most exciting moments for the end.
The climax is a spectacle­. It’s not just about excitement; it’s about providing a satisfying end to the story. The game ensures players won’t leave with loose ends or rushed conclusions.

Final Thoughts

Despite its shortcomings, Rogue City was developed well to provide an engaging journey for fans of the series and any who choose to play. It involves narrative plank bridging the seque­ls, a captivating venture into RoboCop’s ethically gray world. It may not e­xactly reach the greatne­ss of the original, but it features standout mome­nts for all to appreciate. Therefore, a RoboCop enthusiast or a see­ker of a novel shooter game, Rogue City, might be what you are looking for.


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