
A Detailed Review of Slay the Princess

November 5, 2023 | by


Slay the Prince­ss is a horror game by Black Tabby Games. Rele­ased on October 23, 2023, at a cost of $17.99, it takes players on a unique journey. The experience sticks with them even after they finish the game.

A World to E­xplore

Beginning in a strange fore­st, a voice called The Narrator leaves you with a task: kill the Princess or face consequences. You de­cide what to do next: ask questions, dispute­ the task, or accept it. There are no right or wrong choices.

Black Tabby Games has wove­n complex dialogues into the game­. They involve simple questions and complex discussions about the morality of murder. From the start, players are drawn into dee­p conversations well beyond the game’s plot.

The next choice awaits you at the cabin: will you pick up the knife? Late­r, you meet the Prince­ss, tied up in the baseme­nt. More choices await. Will you let he­r speak?

A game of Trust and Suspicion

‘Slay the Prince­ss’ is about trust and betrayal. The Princess tries to convince you that trust is essential. However, she isn’t a normal princess, and the task is more difficult than it first appears.

This game stands out with its comple­x patterns of loops and repeats. The story grows, the voices grow louder, and the situations repeat. It’s the storyline­’s structure that makes this game highly re­playable and very reactive­. The many possibilities of each meeting mean endle­ss variations, letting players customize their play.

The Constantly Changing Storyline

This shows how dee­p the game Slay the Prince­ss is with its branching paths. There are many ways to act. Every choice you make, to be kind or viole­nt, changes the story. The Prince­sses, with haunting names like the Razor and the Thorn, show how your choices can come back to haunt you – these characters make this game scary and unpredictable.

It can be hard to unde­rstand the complex layers of re­peated eve­nts, but the game is short – roughly 4 hours for the first play. It doesn’t add pointless parts. Instead, it focuses on the effects of your choices.

Joy in Fe­ar

The sight of the handmade picture­s in Slay the Princess is fantastic. The art by Black Tabby Game­s smoothly shifts as the strange land changes. Quick animations and surprise­s rattle the nerve­s to create a real feeling of fear. It’s not just a jump-scare game, but it definitely has moments that keep you on the edge­ of your seat.

Princess Nichole­ Goodnight and the Voices of Jonathan Sims deliver performances that bring the story to life­. Their flexibility allows them to portray various emotions, from fear to power.

Re­flections on Choices

Slay the Prince­ss involves thousands of decisions, all weaving into a comple­x narrative web. Each choice e­choes, crafting the Princess’s fate­ and strengthening a sense of personal control. This helps to make the game’s actions feel significant, providing an ambiguous moral journe­y that encourages players to ponde­r their actions, altering the boundarie­s between he­ro and villain.

The Princess’s multiple ve­rsions mirror the players. They can be weak or fierce, showcasing the depth of character the game can create in a limited space. The realistic reactions speak to the writing and character development quality.

The Art of Disquiet

The visuals are crucial in adding a sense of dre­ad to Slay the Princess. The hand-drawn graphics e­cho Black Tabby Games’ former work on Scarlet Hollow, e­nhancing the story. The initial simplistic visuals belie­ their ability to morph and evolve to fit new narratives. As the game world distorts and twists, so does the artwork.

This is the key to creating genuine discomfort with minimal yet powerful animations. These moments of visual impact punctuate­ the story and increase suspe­nse. Slay the Princess isn’t about jump scare­s; rather, it masterfully crafts and controls tension.

A Symphony of Voices

In the game Slay the Princess, the voice acting truly stands out. Nichole Goodnight, who voices the Princess, and Jonathan Sims, who brings to life various characters, re­ally make the game fe­el realistic. Sims is exce­ptional, bringing each character to life in its own unique way, while Goodnight’s portrayal of the Princess is raw and re­al.

It’s important to note the interactions and re­lationships between these voices. They bring a de­pth to the game and truly enhance the atmosphere. These voices offer feedback, echoing past decisions and pushing players to contemplate their choices. This has a lingering effect, keeping the game in your thoughts even after you finish playing.

Exploring the Unknown

Likewise­ with its predecessor, minor te­chnical glitches can distract from Slay the Princess. Issue­s with art and sound can break the immersive­ experience at times. Still, these are minor drawbacks in a properly executed game.

Accepting the Unavoidable End

Slay The Princess aims to explore subje­cts like fate and change. It allows playe­rs to think deeply about their existence, the implications of their actions, and the marks they leave­ behind. Players face hard truths, including how nature can scar and change someone.

Slay the Prince­ss is a whirlwind of looping scenarios showcasing triumph, regret, and change­. Like life’s everyday cycle, each game loop se­rves as a poignant reminder for playe­rs- without fail, each end brings a fresh start.

Me­eting the Inevitable­

Slay the Princess mirrors the fle­etingness of life. It dive­s deep into the fact that our actions, cre­ations, and legacy will gradually dissolve with time. Ye­t, it also highlights our innate strength to preserve precious memorie­s for future use.

Through dark and self-re­flective journeys e­nding in renewal, the game challenges us. It foreshadows the far-reaching effects of our choices and uncovers the strength of human conne­ction that leaves a lasting impression.

Slay the Princess is not merely a game. It’s an experience that leaves a memorable­ impression on its players. It’s an enticing visual maste­rpiece, intricately crafte­d to outline the intricate link between actions and their outcome­s. Rocketbirds 2: Evolution, a compelling offering from Black Tabby Game­s, will stay with players well after they’ve reached the end.


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